5 Steps to Writing Great Content for Your Small Business Website

5 Steps to Writing Great Content for Your Small Business Website

The content you add to your website is vital in converting visitors to leads and those leads into customers. Take the time and effort to do it right and the website will pay for itself in a very short timeframe and will continue to be an ongoing source of business for years to come.

1. Develop a Niche Audience for your Website

You must stand out from the crowd, be noticeable and memorable to prospects and clients so that they chose you amongst the others, here’s how:

  • Target specific clients that you can serve better than anyone else
  • Help clients to see how you are different from the competition
  • Create a simple “one sentence” view of who you are and what you do best
  • Break up your main services/products into 3 to 4 groups that are easy to understand
  • Tie each service/product to a pain point of the client and show your solution
  • Create a check-list of why the client should choose you (5 to 6 points)
  • Prove you are the right choice – give evidence (credentials, expertise, testimonials, case studies, experience, references, etc.)

2. Build Trust with Your Website Visitors

It’s vital you have a website that turns visitors into paying customers. You have to make people trust you, otherwise they’ll simply go elsewhere…Remember:

  • Clients will need to trust that you before they will pay you for your time.
  • Clients need to like you as person
  • Clients need know you have their best interest in mind
  • Clients need to feel comfortable that you can help them get things done.

3. Find the Ideal Client – Target your message and services to them

Discover what your ideal client looks like and then go about building your entire marketing strategy around attracting more of them. Follow these steps:

  • List Problems Your Client Faces
  • List Pain Your Client’s Feels
  • List Emotions Your Client’s Feels
  • List Wants & Goals of Your Client
  • List Reasons For Acting Now
  • List Reasons For them Not Acting/Putting things off
  • List Clients Most in Need and Why
  • List Clients who are the most likely to invest/purchase now
  • List the clients you love to work with and would like more just like them
  • List the reasons your happiest clients chose you and why they stay
  • List the areas of potential growth in your industry
  • List the most potential profitable areas to focus on

4. Don’t “Sell” – Help

Stop selling and help the customer to buy. Customers aren’t interested in you, they are trying to solve a problem. Understand all the customer’s needs, resolve any issues or concerns and present a solution for the customer to take action.

  • Identify the Problem: Identify concerns, fears, priorities, goals
  • Present the Solution: Show how you can help, results, proof, examples, testimonials, ideas
  • Call To Action: Target those ready to buy, get the client to take action – create a sense of urgency.

5. Writing your content – putting it all together

Using the advice given above, follow the steps below when putting your message together:

  • Make it person-to-person and conversational.
  • Use the words “you” and “your” throughout your copy.
  • Pose questions in your copy – and provide the answers.
  • Include emotional responses and reasons why clients buy.
  • Get them to imagine and experience the benefits.
  • Use SEO keywords and phrases but don’t overdo it and ruin your message.
  • Clarify the value you provide and demonstrate it with examples.
  • Use client testimonials and other social proof.
  • List any perceived negatives or objections and answer them.
  • People love stories. Use an anecdote or story.
  • Motivate people to take action with your offers and calls to action.

I hope you found this useful and if you need help developing a great website for your business get in touch. If you have any other useful tips add them to the comments section below.

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David Martin

David Martin, is the owner of Martec Web Design Galway, Ireland. Developing successful web sites for Irish companies since 1996. My passion is to help business owners to realise the potential of their ideas. To attract great clients consistently, with less stress and more success. If you need help with the Internet, I would love to hear from you so please get in touch.   At Martec Web Design Galway Ireland, we are in the business of making your website work as hard as it possibly can for you, which is why we take the time to understand what makes you tick and, more importantly, what makes your customers buy from you.   Galway Web Design by Martec Web Design Galway